Thursday 16 April 2015

No fISh liKe YoU in tHe sEA

Misfiring synapses,
Our world collapses.
Your image fades to black.
I desperately fight back.

The anger wells up every now and then,
The feelings tear out of my eyes and then,
A deep silence, an intake of breath,
The abyss of my loss: your death.

You’d made me see the possibilities of life beyond my dreams.
You used to tease me to death but death teased us apart it seems.
Your cheeky eyes haunt my every stranger’s face,
The joke´s on me, you disappeared without a trace.

The laughter sticks bitterly in my throat.
Maybe I’ll see you again, probably I won’t.
The realization goes like a bullet through my head:
I’m still breathing and you are still dead.

Your green Kermit shoes will never again walk these streets,
So I grasp at every memory of us for the keeps.
I just hope it was not all a dream, a delusion of mine.
Too young to realize the ride we were on at the time.

I’d let you go, let you fall out of my embrace,
The guilt has left me out of my own grace.
You stumbled, chocked and I wasn't there.
I want you to know that I did and do still care.

Lovers have passed since you´ve been gone.
But none like you has yet come along.
Ten of who will ever replace one of you?
Let me let you all in on a secret, that expression is just not true.

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