Monday 11 November 2013

Jinan de wufan

A morning of springs and walking too far,
We stopped for lunch at a half build noodle bar.
A couple of magical words lured us through the door,
A shrill “Come in! Come in!”, and we were sold for sure.

Soon we were embroiled in a menu war,
Her English was mad, our mandarin was poor.
Some dumplings, tofu or cabbage. NO!
Three cauldrons appeared from down bellow.

Filled to the brim with glibbery stuff,
They’d brought us clearly more than enough.
Our noodles, chicken, eggs and more.
Delving deep for greens we got more than we bargained for.

Unwanted meat plus a little mysterious ball,
And something not from this world at all.
The air was heavy, the soup very hot,
Then the sweat started to drop drop drop!

The room’s one weak fan was cooling another table.
We longed for them to down their meal as fast as they were able.
And before long they read that thought,

And ate far faster than they ought.
Adequately propped upon a bin,
The fan worked wonders cooling our skin.

The meal was saved, our stomachs full.
A quick photo and Xie Xie to all!

- Ladies Izzy and Flo - 16 September 2008 -

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