Monday 11 November 2013

Me you and the Beijing metro map

Our luggage dropped off our adventure began,
If only something had gone slightly to plan.

No hostel or bed in sight for the night,
But our spirits remained high and bright.

It’s just you, me and the metro map versus the city,
But with nothing else to help we’re still sitting pretty.

Line number 2: to the forbidden we go,
If we’re still standing by the end only the future will show.
Xiamen stop, old buildings: nice colours. Dot.
We’d clearly found a sightseeing spot.

Inadequately dressed for Mao’s memorial,
We skipped it for something more imperial.
Turning a corner and crossing a road under the ground
Was the Forbidden City finally found?

Not it was in fact a very very big park,
Would we find what we were looking for before it got dark?
The palace was actually just next door,
Fully equipped with vats and a lovely marble floor.

Walking out, our stomachs began slowly to clench,
We agreed in pot noodle and ate on a bench.
A people watching spot was easy to find,
But soon sleep was the only thing on our mind.

Next we ventured through the silk street,
Using the metro to save our poor feet.
Time and money were very well spent,
So on with our journey we then went.

We crossed paths with familiar faces,
But lost them due to our different paces.
The workers stadium didn’t do much to impress,
So we bought a silk jacket to go with the dress.

For professional use only the label warned,
The seriousness of it all suddenly dawned.
Our plan for the evening had been laid out,
Some snacks, hair dye, and lying about.

Lights guided us to our dining place,
Food, silence, rest and lots of space.
Settling down to a game of cards,
We watched the world go by beneath the stars.

Mao’s quotes proved very entertaining,
But keeping our eyes open a little more straining.
Without our map friends we lost our way,
He’s the most important of the trio is all we can say.

We found the station we were searching for,
But did our train leave from it we were not sure.
The station confirmed we seeked out our ice creams,
The wu-Markt doors remained close despite out screams.

An old street vendor saved the night,
Avoiding us the possibility of a McDonald’s plight.
The walk was finishes the train was caught,
We were heading back to the lovely airport.

Having rescued essentials from our cases,
We found seats to be our resting places.
Tired and weary we lay down our heads,
Never before had we so longed for beds.

Our dreams were filled of our days adventures,
And we awoke slightly startled sill in “Departures”.
The next leg of our journey was just around the bend,
Involving chemicals, a cubicle and purple hair at the end.

Our long awaited check in was very successful,
And without our cases, life seemed less stressful.
With violet hair we watched travellers come in,
Our own journey home was about to begin.

As we ate our picnic before the flight,
The waitress kept us well within her sight.
Airing towels and cleaning cards,
We must have looked like a couple of retards.

We watched the queues begin to form,
As the airport grew busier they became the norm.
Today’s festivities are for the full moon,
But we will be gone shortly after the clock strikes noon.

Three weeks in Jinan, 24hours in Beijing,
And sadly no more Chinese songs to sing.
Tomorrow we’ll be home, far from this place,
It’s been an eerie journey, as though to outer space.

Soon enough we’ll say our goodbyes,
And try not to get a tear in our eyes.
Our memories will fade but our friendship will last,
You me, the metro map never to be consigned to the past.

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